Game #2 Part 1

Well I never expected to be writing this post so early. Game #2 of the season usually arrives in the May-ish timeframe but this time, the football season starting so soon is an early Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate)!

I had a late morning wake-up. What else? I’m on holiday. I ate a quick brunch to get the meal out of the way because I don’t like eating within 90 minutes of KO. 150 minutes is the ideal number but compromises have to be made sometimes.

Reset my game bag to make sure everything was inside and was dressed in my Adidas track pants and jacket. I listened to my pre-game playlist on the way to the game.

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Week 28 & 29

Week 28

Fasting has been going on for a while now. Halfway point is passed and I’m sure it’ll be done sooner than I know it but it has been difficult managing it in general. I had an Over-35 Mens game to cover on the first day of the week. A friend needed me to cover the game so I accepted. He was able to give me a ride to the field in return since it was out of bus access but not that far either. The game was a rather chatty one with a lot of dissent. I had been warned that it was generally the Continue reading

September 8th Weekend & Impending Assessment

What a month, what a week, what a weekend…

It has been games galore this summer and it’s hard to imagine doing this many games ever again in one season. 88 games to date and with my future scheduled games, I will total 99! One shy of the century! I just need one more game to complete the 100. The next Game Offer is eagerly anticipated. Most of the leagues are wrapping up by next week so the Mens league will be my hope as it runs into early October. Anyways, don’t listen to me. Getting quality games is far better than quantity. The money doesn’t mean anything if you don’t get to watch a good game and speaking of good games, I had a fantastic line on a U17 Boys game last week. One or two of those would be more than enough excitement, experience and money for a week.

Speaking of getting assessments, three just this past weekend! Three referees received assessments; two looking to enter the Upgrade program and one in the program. All three were of course with me on the line and funnily enough, with the same assessor! He had a different set of comments for each assessment because I was very mindful of his comments in the next game I had and was concentrating on avoiding those mistakes/techniques. Now the juicy info. My assessment game approaches this Friday. 9pm. From my previous games on the line with these two teams, it looks like I am in for a fast-paced, tough game. My foul recognition will be tested to its limits here so I’ll have to get my man management and disciplining spot on.

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