Week 16-24 2015

A not so interesting flashback…

Travel began again at the start of the week and there was going to be a significant break for refereeing. In fact, I didn’t imagine anything coming up in the near future.

I’ve been more cognizant of refereeing in other countries and how referees source their equipment so I’ve been visiting sports equipment stores around. It was interesting to see the range of quality and market prices. This is truly a global game impacted by so many cultures involved with it.

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Week 4 & 5

Week 4

Fresh of Game #2, I had to manage my recovery well because Game #3 was the next day. I did a bit of my post-game stretch in the car, on the metro ride and then fully once I got home. After showering and getting changed, I thought an early night was a good call. I woke up once during the night to hear a torrential thunderstorm beginning. I was so tired that I wasn’t even bothered to get up and close the slightly open window.

I woke up the next morning to find everything lightly drenched outside. Inevitably there was an e-mail about the game being cancelled by the away team. I was secretly happy. The downtime was appreciated considering I was travelling the next day.

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Bus Ref

So sometimes refereeing isn’t all as glamorous as I peg it out to be. What do I refer to? Travel!

It’s a struggle trying to move up as a referee without a car. Since I’m in that predicament for the time-being, you can see in each post on this blog, a part of the adventure I experience as part of it. Unfortunately, the fields in the cities I have been to are quite dispersed and distant so getting to fields can be inconvenient at times. Continue reading

Week 51

I spent the better part of Monday travelling. It was rather bulky carrying my Winter jacket throughout the journey but I knew it would perhaps be for the last time so I put up with it not fitting into my carry-on baggage. Was great to see family again after eight months away and back in the Middle East.

My transfer papers arrived in the form of a letter so I’m armed wherever I was to go. I also got the e-mail confirming the success of my maintenance of my referee classification. I wasn’t worried about it at all but good news should always be a victory!

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Week 30

The week started off with celebrations that fasting had finished. I was at work late on the first day but a need-a-referee help e-mail came out in the evening and I decided to respond and go. After all, I didn’t have other plans. Another 250km trip. This was my second time going to this field so I was somewhat familiar with getting to the field. The assignor was on the line and a familiar name popped up as the other AR so I decided that this game may be interesting for the referee team involved alone.

The feedback I received for this game was Continue reading

Week 28 & 29

Week 28

Fasting has been going on for a while now. Halfway point is passed and I’m sure it’ll be done sooner than I know it but it has been difficult managing it in general. I had an Over-35 Mens game to cover on the first day of the week. A friend needed me to cover the game so I accepted. He was able to give me a ride to the field in return since it was out of bus access but not that far either. The game was a rather chatty one with a lot of dissent. I had been warned that it was generally the Continue reading