FIFA Laws of the Game 2016-2017

In a ground-breaking move, the FIFA Laws of the Game is out earlier than ever before; April 13th.

Why you ask?

Great question. I’ve held off on paraphrasing FIFA articles promising some of the changes earlier this year. These will change the way we think about the game. Simply because it ain’t real until it’s on paper. That day is today.

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FIFA Referee Age Limit Abolished

Rumours have been surfacing over the past few years confident that FIFA would abolish the age limit on international referees. Each time, it would return stronger in the form of news articles and even once, from the Third Team. Nothing concrete ever became of it despite the acceptance that it was a close-minded perspective to the game of football.


But this time… Continue reading

FIFA Laws of the Game 2015-2016

EDIT: Please see newer post

My previous post of July 1st seems to be a false theory. FIFA changed their timeline this year and published the latest edition of the Laws of the Game a little early. After all, they weren’t really waiting for anything.

More importantly, we see our next poster-child on the cover featuring the Italian UEFA Elite referee, Continue reading

FIFA Laws of the Game 2014-2015

EDIT: Please see newer post

So in rather a completely unexpected but pleasant surprise, the new Laws of the Game is out today. Ordinarily it comes out on July 1st but they released it early in order for it to be in effect for the FIFA World Cup.

The new Laws of the Game don’t take effect for any running competitions now ordinarily but would for any starting after today.

Nice new shot of Continue reading

Futsal Referee Fitness Testing

To my surprise, I found out that FIFA has three different referee fitness testing systems for the various sports! I’ve been training for the FIFA HI test all this while in my football goals.

I’ve clipped out FIFA’s Regulations for Refereeing for the Member Associations here. This only contains the fitness testing component for referees for easy reference.

As a result I decided to have a run at the Futsal test in Week 52, two days after my HI run.

Here’s an example table Continue reading

FIFA Laws of the Game 2013-2014

EDIT: Please see newer post

So after my build-up to July 1st it came out today! No… Not another Harry Potter book but even better; FIFA’s latest edition of the Laws of the Game.

Is it weird that I have been visiting the site a few times a day for the past week and every hour today?

Check it out below!

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